Refund Policy
I am very committed to your satisfaction and happiness. I care that this works for you, and if it doesn't, I want to work things out. That said, I do ask for honesty. If you got value from my digital product, please don't ask for a refund simply to save a few dollars. Let me know any issues you have with the digital product and I will figure out how to help. Email me at
Additionally, there are circumstances in which I cannot give refunds, no matter how much I might like, due to time and technical limitations in payment processing systems and other partners. Details on my specific refund policy is as follows:
If you have purchased one of my digital products, and have NOT not clicked the link to access the product, you may request a refund within 30 days of purchase.
To request a refund please email with a copy of your purchase confirmation email.
The system does not allow me to refund any purchases over 30 days. If you would like a refund and have not downloaded the product, please submit your request prior to the 30 day mark.